City documents show that an entity called Red Barn 1920, LLC has submitted plans for a business titled Red Barn Coffee Shop. The concept is slated for 38434 County Rd 13 in the rural eastern part of Fort Collins.
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Business records show that Red Barn 1920, LLC is owned by relatives Derek Hofmeister and Edward Holloway. Keefe Civil and Ripley Design Inc.
are working with the company on the project.
A preliminary drainage report submitted last month states that the 2.5-acre agricultural lot east of the proposed future Town of Timnath soccer field. There was previously a barn, stables and shed on the property but those were demolished in 2022.
Plans include building a 3,213-square-foot coffee shop with a drive-thru and a play area for children. There will be a fire pit and outdoor seating, along with 54 parking spaces allotted for the premises.